
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Seed Catalogs Have Arrived!!

Some green deliciousness to get you all through until spring!

I'm so excited! I feel like I don't have any time to really plan my garden now, but it's all I want to to do! I'm tired...tired of sewing, tired of cleaning and tired of doing what I'm doing. And it's only January...geeze!

But on to happier thoughts, like spring gardens :) Last year ended pretty well, but I can definitely improve. I give up on broccoli and cauliflower. Neither did well at ALL when it came to producing anything to eat. Just leafy plants that soaked up water. I want more beans and want more lettuce. I also need to plant some lettuce in succession so I have it longer and get to eat it all!

Tomatoes have been difficult for me so far. I know I only had one year and rot was a problem everywhere, but I barely got anything worth eating. I know they need more I have to find a new place to put them.

I'd also like to expand my herb garden quite a bit, and relocate it to a more permanent location. I plan on moving the strawberries to a larger bed, and hopefully the old strawberry area can hold some of the herbs.

Berry bushes will hopefully make it into their permanent locations this year too. I've got blueberry and raspberry bushes and hope to get a few more of each.

I also really, really want to get a few fruit trees in. I love apples, absolutely LOVE them and I always have. We're talking a sack lunch of an apple, apple juice, applesauce and a cheesewiz sandwich in 2nd grade. And I kept asking for more! Unfortunately, the current phase of Atkins doesn't really allow me to eat apples right now, but I have hope for the future :) I hope to get a few miniature dwarf trees. They only get to be about 4 feet tall, so they'll fit in my tiny yard! I also have reason to believe I may be getting a dwarf mixed citrus tree this summer.

I've been listening to podcasts and reading blogs about permaculture and have been thinking about how to incorporate more food into my existing landscape. Like perhaps lettuce in the front yard where there's a lot of shade. And beans growing up the sides of trees. I'll talk more on that later.

For now, I'm not letting myself open the catalogs. I've got too much to get done first. But I will soon, and I'll be sure to share my findings :) Ugh, there's a lot of winter left!


  1. :( yep ive had a few seed catalogs sittin here beside my bedside table.. i have been drooling over them since i recieved my first one 2 wks ago... BUT i am planning on doing a few things seeing we will b here till July! I cant wait for the first sign of spring! My leeks look awesome even if most of them are under snow! I can not wait to pull them and make a lovely stir fry or soup with them YUMO! Yep u most def will be getting a dwarf citrus tree my dear :) lemon lime and tangerine! He is looking very happy in my laundry room! My lemon grass however is not so happy...Anyway happy to see a blog from u once in a while i know how busy u have been!

  2. We got a whole bunch of berries last year, and I'm looking foward to their bounty this summer!

    I've got strawberries on my mind this year... but since my family grows them I'm in no rush. I think I'm just craving them :)

  3. I also love cheez whiz sandwiches--go figure
